Jon Nelson, Sales
Jon's experience as a carpenter lends practical knowledge to the business. When asked "What do you do?" he likes to tell people he works in fenestration, as very few know what this means.
Josh Dennis, Sales
Born and raised in the Methow Valley, Josh Dennis graduated from Liberty Bell in 2011. Since then he has been working in the valley. His work with local contractors and businesses has made him well connected. Josh is a dependable worker whose problem solving skills makes him an excellent repairman. In his spare time Josh likes to mountain bike, snowboard and snowmobile.
Greg Goad, Operations Manager
Greg first moved to the Methow Valley in 2006. After several years of enjoying watching the seasons turn while working as a musician, audio engineer and bartender, he moved back to the big city where he studied electronics, started an amplifier build and repair business and did a stint in the semiconductor industry as a cleanroom equipment engineer and construction project manager. Greg moved back to the valley ‘for good’ in 2023 and feels fortunate to have the opportunity to Manage NCBS. When time and weather permit, Greg loves to get out scrambling in the North Cascades.